Life was good back at the start of 2020. No doubt. And then came Corona. In the beginning we were UNITED sharing the common goal of fighting this virus. Now we are DIVIDED

Older population versus younger one. The healthy versus those with background diseases. The ones who believe that we should follow every rule religiously against those that just want to go on with their lives. Those that wear protective gear versus the ones who exposed their teeth with a smile. The people on the walking path who are scared of runners breathing down their neck against the runners who can not resist going even faster. Some of your own friends who locked themselves up for weeks while you were secretly hosting friends for a good wine; or vice versa. The ones who convinced their barber to cut their hair in the garden against those who looked a bit like a caveman. And much more. These poor people who literally went bankrupt and have hard time to feed their families against those who had a crazy positive run at the stock exchange. Those that got some sort of governmental support against the ones who fell between the cracks and got nothing. Airlines and oil companies on the one hand against Zoom, Tesla and Facebook on the other. And even on a geo-political level, those who struck a deal with neighboring countries allowing travel versus those that stayed behind close borders even though there is only one European union. America against China. Globalization lovers against those that are convinced that it has always been a bad idea and now is the time to reverse it all.  And the list goes on and on.


Corona has so far been very DIVISIVE, even though it might have looked differently in the beginning.


And with all that, it is totally up to us to REUNITE it all again. 


Will we ?