It is not about this virus and believe it or not, it is also not about whether we’ll live or die because of it. It is all about the HOW. Always has been.
You see, the bigger picture must be a spiritual one. Viruses are an integral part of the universe equilibrium. They have always been here. Life and death are also an inherit part of the eternal system called life.
Of course, we all want to live to see another day. Of course. But, HOW we are going to do that is the real existential question here.
Our kids are watching. And they have much better tools than we had. Online, offline, delayed or real-time. They are observing HOW the crisis pans out and more importantly how WE navigate through it. There is no better decisive time to bring about a change than the time of a deep crisis. Human nature gravitates almost towards stagnation otherwise. HOW we follow the government’s guidance; HOW we tame our tendency to panic; HOW we spend this extra time with the family; HOW we keep waking up on-time, HOW we accept our losses; and most importantly - HOW we treat and help one another. HOW we care.
It all matters.
We are all ONE, hence it's all connected. We will persevere. But, remember - this ONE little virus that threatens so much, also gives us an opportunity.