Who Else Is Solving Your Customer's Problems ?


Last year I visited Las-Vegas. Upon arriving at my hotel and while listening to a great playlist on Spotify I got a push notification from Spotify that my favorite deep-house DJ happened to be in town at the same time. I was thrilled as I had no intention to go partying, but since HE was there, plans had to be changed. I pressed on the link which took me directly into a special and nicely designed page inside the Spotify App and boom there he was – MY DJ – performing that night. It asked me then if I wanted to get a ticket and with no further delay I pressed – YES. Less than 1 minute later I was the proud owner of a ticket to the best party in town I did not know existed only 120 seconds before. Wow ! 

You see, that’s an amazing story about the “Real Customer Journey” and how Spotify interprets their role way beyond its obvious one, but I want to ask you a different question – Are “VIP Tickets” or any other Vegas local ticket agency aware that Spotify is solving their potential customers’ problems ? 

The hyper-digitization of everything allows companies from completely different industries, those that were not even on your remote competitors list, to pose an existential threat from a direction you were not even aware existed. 

The good news is that the other side is also TRUE. 

You can and should look way beyond your current set of solutions and solve more of your customers jobs that are answered today by other companies and products. It does require a different thinking. Who else is solving your customers’ problems ? And - what other problems they have that we might be able to solve IF only we extend the definition of their journeys ?

Food for thought !